Smoking Can Increase Your Long-Term Risk of Mental Illness

ThursAug23CI.jpgIN YOUR DAILY DOSE: today is research from the University of Montreal that links smoking a specific type of cigarette with an increase in mental illness.

MAKING CHANGES: It’s a small but important change to make today.

FACT OR FICTION: Most large special interest groups have powerful lobbyists working for them. But, did you know where the term ‘lobbyist’ was first coined? You’ll be surprised how long it’s been used and where it got started.


In The News

Adolescents are at greater risk smoking marijuana than are adults. This new study now demonstrates that when a teen moves from an occasional smoker to a daily smoker they increase their risk of mental illness by over 150 percent!

The study also linked smoking marijuana during teen years with decline cognitive abilities and found psychotic like breaks linked to smoking marijuana were also associated with emerging depression.


Daily Health Tip

Marijuana holds great promise in the treatment of cancer and in helping reduce nausea associated with chemotherapy. However, this and past studies have demonstrated using the drug before age 25 can trigger permanent and significant changes to the brain that result in loss of cognitive ability and depression.

Making Changes

It’s simple - don’t smoke!

Don’t make it into something more than it is. You make decisions everyday that affect the future you experience. This is one of those choices.


Daily Affirmation

Making amends helps me to feel free. My energies are devoted to finding solutions instead of covering up my errors.

Fact or Fiction?

Most large special interest groups have powerful lobbyists working for them. But, did you know where the term ‘lobbyist’ was first coined? You’ll be surprised how long it’s been used and where it got started.


President Grant enjoyed relaxing in the evenings after a full day in the office. He spent his time at the Willard Hotel near the White House and sit in the lobby to enjoy his after-dinner cigar. The people who wanted favors from the President would wait for him in the lobby, earning the name “lobbyists.”

Have a wonderful day!

Your Healthy Life America Team


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