Are You Feeling Blue or Seeing Blue?


 IN YOUR DAILY DOSE today is research that demonstrates your mood and emotional health are tied to your perception of color and memory.

IN MAKING CHANGES today are suggestions on how to improve your mood and stabilize your emotional health.

IN FACT OR FICTION you’ll discover the authentic jewelry many women pay thousands to wear, will actually dissolve in vinegar.


In The News

Sadness and depression will affect an astounding 350 million people worldwide this year. Researchers have now discovered that the expression, “I’m feeling blue” is more than just a metaphor or expression we say when sad or depressed.

Apparently . . .

"Our results show that mood and emotion can affect how we see the world around us," says psychology researcher Christopher Thorstenson of the University of Rochester, first author on the research. "Our work advances the study of perception by showing that sadness specifically impairs basic visual processes that are involved in perceiving color."

In other words, when the world looks a little more grey when we’re down in the dumps, it apparently actually is!

Two different studies demonstrated that our emotions have a significant impact on the way we see color and the world around us. The results of the study could not be explained by level of attention, effort or engagement.



Daily Health Tip

Our emotional health affects more than just our ability to perceive color. Our perception of the world is affected by our mood and emotional health.

Our perception drives our thoughts, and these thoughts trigger actions. All actions in our life will predict the results we receive in life.

This means that our mood, whether positive or negative, will affect the results we enjoy in life. Our best bet is to help ourselves enjoy a more positive mood each and every day.


Making Changes

Feeling good and being in a good mood is not always possible. There are times when we suffer from a biochemical imbalance or situational and environmental challenges that trigger depression. At other times our mood is related to the foods we eat. There are a few things we can do to ensure that we feel the best we can feel, every day.

1. Get outside and experience the sunshine. Outdoor air and sunshine will improve your mood and help your creativity.

2. Reduce the amount of sugar and carbohydrates you eat daily. These trigger a release or spike of insulin, that then results in plummeting blood sugar. Your mood and appetite will remain more stable when you eat a diet higher in healthy fats and lower in carbohydrates.

3. Exercise for at least 30 minutes each day. Exercise helps to boost your mood, improve your health and will just make you feel better. Exercise also improves your balance, increases your strength and improves your ability to perform daily activities.

4. Connect with friends. People who spend more time on their digital devices than with friends in person have a higher likelihood of experiencing sadness and depression. We are social creatures and do best when connecting with friends and family.


My Daily Affirmation

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. What other ways can I extend my charitable side to the community

2. How do I handle temptations to act dishonestly for extra income?

3. What gets me back on track when I begin to feel frustrated with my financial situation?

4. What are some things I can do to ease my financial stress?


Fact Or Fiction?

Did you know that this particular piece of jewelry, although expensive, will dissolve in vinegar? Click here to find out which one!  

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Have a wonderful day!

Your Healthy Life America Team

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