Steer Clear of Hydrogen Peroxide on Cuts

Sept12Cut.jpgIN YOUR DAILY DOSE: Hydrogen peroxide is a potent antibacterial. Actually it’s an antiseptic which you would think would be great for cuts, scrapes and wounds. But it isn’t.  Read more about why not and what you should use to clean up your cut instead.

MAKING CHANGES: Summertime increases the number of cuts and scrapes you and your child may encounter. Here are some tips to help them heal faster.

FACT OR FICTION: Siri can come up with some pretty funny answers to some pretty basic questions. Here are ten we enjoyed.

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Walnuts and Your Health



IN YOUR DAILY DOSE: Researchers have linked walnuts with colon cancer, in a good way. Walnuts are high in fiber and Omega 3 fatty acids - the good kind. Here’s what researchers found will make a difference in your health.

MAKING CHANGES: This is one change that should be easy to make. Walnuts taste good and are good for you.

FACT OR FICTION: In the fall months you probably see flocks of ducks migrating south for the winter - unless you live in the south! Here are some fascinating facts about ducks.

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A Glass A Day Keeps the Weight Away



IN YOUR DAILY DOSE:  Research from the University of Illinois confirms and quantifies what weight loss clinics have been preaching for many years. Just one more glass can make all the difference.

MAKING CHANGES: Making changes to your daily routine, and adding one more thing to do, can get overwhelming. Here are a couple of ways you can make the change and barely notice the difference.

FACT OR FICTION: Dolly Madison was the wife of President James Madison. Here are just a few fun facts you may not have known about her.

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Fiber in Your Diet Does More Than Keep You Regular




IN YOUR DAILY DOSE: Research from the Gerontological Society of America points to the benefits of fiber in your diet. Of course, it keeps you regular every day. Today, researchers know it does much, much more than that.

MAKING CHANGES: Aging can be a challenge. Joints don’t work like they used to. You are at higher risk for more illness and disease. More of your friends are spending more time with their doctors than they are with their friends. With just a few changes to your daily habits you can make a difference in the way that you age.

FACT OR FICTION: Dolphins are fascinating creators, able to kill sharks and whales, hunt in packs, exhibit friendliness and aggression. Here are more facts you might not know.

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Women Smokers Quit With More Success Timed With Their Cycle



IN YOUR DAILY DOSE: A study from the Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, researchers made a discovery that could change your success when you try to stop smoking.

MAKING CHANGES: Smoking is an addiction that’s hard to break, but once changed makes significant improvements in your health. Here are some tips from our Stop Smoking Program that may help you over the hump.

FACT OR FICTION: The Dominican Republic is a beautiful island with a lot to offer, read more in the newsletter!

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Some Antibiotics Stop Growth of New Brain Cells



IN YOUR DAILY DOSE today is research published in Cell Press linking long term antibiotic use to a reduction of new brain cell growth. The research was performed on mice who lost cognitive abilities and growth of new cells.

IN MAKING CHANGES are tips you can use to reduce your use of antibiotics and how many infections you may experience in your lifetime.

IN FACT OR FICTION are some interesting facts about the dinosaurs roaming the earth long before you were born.

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New Treatments for Strokes

Sept2_FridayStroke.jpgIN YOUR DAILY DOSE today is research from the New England Journal of Medicine about new treatments for type-2 diabetes to prevent secondary stroke and heart attacks.

IN MAKING CHANGES are strategies to prevent cardiovascular disease without medication.

IN FACT OR FICTION you’ll discover that taking one to two tablespoons of this each day can help regulate your blood sugar, reduce the inflammatory response in your body and can be found on your grocery store shelves.

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Your Reaction to Stress More Important than Frequency

Sept1_ThursdayStress.jpgIN YOUR DAILY DOSE today is information about how STRESS in your life affects your health. But it’s not just any stress, it’s about your reaction and not how frequently you are exposed to it.

IN MAKING CHANGES today are strategies you can use to reduce stress in your life and take back your health.

IN FACT OR FICTION you’ll discover what looks like a gigantic fly but whose larvae lives underground for anywhere from 3 to 14 years.

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Your Oral Bacteria Linked to a Stroke

Aug30_TuesdayMoth.jpgIN YOUR DAILY DOSE today you’ll discover that the amount of bacteria in your mouth can increase your risk for stroke.

IN MAKING CHANGES today are strategies to reduce the bad bacteria, reduce plaque formation and make your next teeth cleaning a LOT more pleasant.

IN FACT OR FICTION are interesting facts about cigarettes that you may not already know. For example, did you know that doctors once prescribed cigarettes to their patients?

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Drinking Water is Soooo Good for You!

Aug29_MondayWater.jpgIN YOUR DAILY DOSE today is news from a study evaluating the habits of over 18,000 people and how one little change can result in so many benefits.

IN MAKING CHANGES today are strategies you can use to incorporate this change into your everyday living.

IN FACT OR FICTION you’ll discover that he’s not your average camel.

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