More Evidence FOR Exercise

July15_FridayExercise.jpgIN YOUR DAILY DOSE today is research that explores the benefits of exercise on the cardiovascular health of individuals who suffer from depression.  In their findings, symptoms of mild or minimal depression were also associated with cardiovascular disease.

IN MAKING CHANGES today are strategies you can use to reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease and improve your symptoms of depression or sadness.

IN FACT OR FICTION you’ll discover that although horses are strong and usually gentle, they are also very smart.

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Researchers Can Personalize Treatment

July14_ThursdayPersonlize.jpgIN YOUR DAILY DOSE today is research addressing the biochemical differences in depression and how physicians may be able to personalize your treatment. An estimated 350 million people suffer from depression which places a large financial burden on your community.

IN MAKING CHANGES today are strategies you can use to reduce your medication dosage if possible, and help to improve your outlook on life. NEVER make changes to your medication dosage without discussing it with your physician.

IN FACT OR FICTION you’ll learn what the fork on the end of a snake’s tongue is really used for.

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Reduce the Effects of Your Asthma

July13_Wednesday_Fall.jpgIN YOUR DAILY DOSE today is research that demonstrates preventive medication can reduce the number of exacerbations of asthma students may experience in the fall months.

IN MAKING CHANGES today are strategies you can use to help reduce those exacerbations without using medication, or in combination with medication.

IN FACT OR FICTION you’ll discover that there are more spiders on this earth than you might think - both in number of species and the actual number of spiders.

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Use 50% Less Chemotherapy

July12_TuesdayChemo.jpgIN YOUR DAILY DOSE today is research using chemotherapy to treat lung cancer and how scientists were able to reduce the amount prescribed by 50% and get better results.

IN MAKING CHANGES today are strategies you can use, whether you suffer from lung cancer or not, to improve your health and support your immune system.

IN FACT OR FICTION you’ll discover how man’s best friend handles the heat. It’s more than just panting.

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Do You Sit or Stand?

July11_MondayStanding.jpgIN YOUR DAILY DOSE today is research from Texas A&M School of Public Health that addresses the needs of students in the classroom and improving their ability to learn. How can this information impact your ability at work?

IN MAKING CHANGES today are strategies you can use with your children for school work and for yourself at work to improve your performance and creativity.

IN FACT OR FICTION you’ll discover if chocolate is really as good for you as the news has led you to believe.

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Women, Men & the Flu; Who Gets it More?

July8_Friday_Flu.jpgIN YOUR DAILY DOSE today is research which shows one more way that estrogen protects women over men. Although there is a strong protective effect, it doesn’t mean that you can play with fire.

IN MAKING CHANGES today are strategies you can use, man or woman, to prevent the transmission of a cold or the flu to you.

IN FACT OR FICTION you’ll discover a few natural laws you were never taught in school. For instance, did you know that the Law of Probability states that the probability of being watched is directly proportional to the stupidity of the act?

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Eating a Higher Fat Diet Lowers Your Blood Pressure and Triglycerides

July7_Thursday_Avocado.jpgIN YOUR DAILY DOSE today is a research discovery that has deep meaning for the flavor of the foods you eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner. High quality, healthy fats are actually good for you!

IN MAKING CHANGES today are a list of great foods high in healthy fats you can incorporate into your day to increase your intake. Food high in fats will reduce your craving for sweets and carbohydrates. Diets low in carbs will improve your weight loss and reduce your risk of disease. It’s a win/win!

IN FACT OR FICTION you’ll discover where the term ‘lobbyist’ was first coined. It’s an interesting story!

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American Football has more Health Problems than Head Injury

July6_Wednesday_Football.jpgIN YOUR DAILY DOSE today is information about football and the damage done to the player’s body well after the game is over. This damage is beyond the well documented head injuries and joint injuries and has implications for the player’s life well into retirement.

IN MAKING CHANGES today is a list of strategies you can use to reduce the amount of inflammation in your body.

IN FACT OR FICTION you’ll discover that what you learn when you’re young may be used when you’re older.

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Easy Tip to Increase Weight Loss

July5_Tuesday_Plate.jpgIN YOUR DAILY DOSE today you’ll discover an easy tip that can increase your weight loss efforts. This is easier than counting points, counting calories, weighing foods, or recording your eating habits in a diary.

IN MAKING CHANGES today are several strategies you can use that will jumpstart your weight loss efforts without too much effort.

IN FACT OR FICTION you’ll discover the funny way that Super Tuesday was determined. Presidential elections had to include as many new Americans as possible. This is how they worked it out.

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Drug for Dementia May Help Prevent Falls

July4_Monday_Wheelchair.jpgIN YOUR DAILY DOSE today you’ll find that researchers discovered an unexpected side effect of medications normally used to treat dementia. This medication may help someone you know prevent a fall and broken bones.

IN MAKING CHANGES today you’ll find a list of strategies you can use to help prevent neurological damage that could trigger dementia or Parkinson’s disease.

IN FACT OR FICTION you’ll discover how a deck of cards is not exactly what it seems.

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