Dairy Products Are Joint to Depression and Depressed Mood

MonOct8CI.jpgIN YOUR DAILY DOSE: today are results from research that links specific kind of dairy products to a higher incidence of depression.

MAKING CHANGES: Switching from full-fat to low-fat isn’t nearly as difficult as you might think - but the question is, do you want to?

FACT OR FICTION: He’s man’s best friend, but you might be surprised to find out what 70% of owners do with their pets!  


In The News

Researchers from Tohoku University found that exposure to high fat milk products increases the incidence of people suffering from depression. Physical and intestinal problems have long been associated with milk products as pasteurization removes the enzymes from milk necessary to adequately digest the product.

In this new study researchers investigated the difference between eating whole milk and low-fat dairy products on symptoms of depression, such as sadness, anxiety, exhaustion and hopelessness. The study used questionnaires to determine consumption of dairy products and symptoms of depression.

Without controlling for other confounding factors, they determined those who ate low-fat dairy products one to four times a week were less depressed than those who ate high fat dairy products.

SOURCE: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2017/04/170418114626.htm

Daily Health Tip

Dairy products may trigger gastrointestinal distress, acne and general feelings of malaise, even when you don’t think you are affected by an allergy to dairy products.

Making Changes

Do you need to make a change? Some individuals have a lactose intolerance as they don’t naturally have the enzyme necessary to metabolize protein molecules found in cow’s milk. You should switch to other milk products (if you choose to want milk) when you experience symptoms your body does not handle the product well.

After removing dairy products from your daily nutritional choices you may find that you lose weight more easily, have a more elevated mood, less acne and less gastrointestinal problems.


Daily Affirmation

I am able to hear my intuition speak during difficult times.
During difficult times, I listen to my intuition and follow its advice. My intuition guides me to the answers to my issues. It provides calm and clear instructions for action. It is a powerful assistant on my journey to happiness.

Fact or Fiction?

The dog, known affectionately as “man’s best friend,” come in a wide variety of breeds, types, sizes, colors and abilities. But, what they all have in common is their owner’s love and affection. 33% of owners leave messages for their pets on their phone’s answering machine. 70% sign their pet’s name on greeting cards. 58% put their pet in the holiday portrait. And 1,000,000 have been named as the primary beneficiary in their owner’s will.

Have a wonderful day!

Your Healthy Life America Team


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