Exercise is as Good as You Imagined



IN YOUR DAILY DOSE today is new information that exercise and education can help to improve cognitive functioning in senior citizens. Are you caring for your parents, an aunt or uncle or are you over the age of 60 yourself? This is research and information that has an impact on your daily life.

IN FACT OR FICTION you’ll discover an amazing piece of information about how your body functions using different types of cells.


In The News

The number of individuals who suffer from dementia continues to rise. Some point to the increasing amounts of sugar, lower quality of food or reduced amount of physical exercise. But, whatever the trigger, dementia is not a normal part of aging. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention the percentage of population suffering from the condition increases as the age of the population being tested increases.

Researchers from the Wake Forest School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, NC evaluated a 24 month long physical activity program to test the outcome on participant’s cognitive skills, and the results held real promise.

Population studies have suggested that physical activity would lower the risk of suffering from dementia and were associated with better blood flow to the brain and improved brain volume or reduced brain shrinkage. Participants in this study were assigned to groups that participated in structured moderate intensity activity or an educational health program.

The researchers found that people who participated in the moderate-intensity intervention did not perform any better than those who were educated about the benefits of healthy exercise and demonstrated appropriate stretching. The researchers determined that education or physical exercise programs were important to maintain the executive functioning of individuals over the age of 80.

SOURCE:  http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2015/08/150825115022.htm


Daily Health Tip

Exercise is a recommendation you’ll get from your doctor, dietitian, chiropractor, eye doctor, acupuncturist and any other health care practitioner you happen to see. And, the reason is because the benefits far outweigh any problems you might have getting started or fitting it into your daily schedule.

Exercise reduces your risk of diabetes, heart disease, stroke, peripheral vascular disease, obesity and now, cognitive decline. Walking outside in the fresh air improves your mood and helps your body to manufacture vitamin D. It increases your creative juices and improves your inspiration and motivation to finish the day strong.


Making Changes

Taking that first step to incorporating exercise into your daily routine can be the most difficult. However, after that first step, like all other habits, it gets easier and easier.

1. Ask a friend to participate with you. When you know someone else is waiting for you, you’re more likely to get up and get going.

2. Tell your friends and family what you’re doing. When you tell people, you are making yourself accountable to them.

3. Take it slow. If this is your first effort at exercise, then start by walking around the block and doing it every day – or even twice a day. It won’t be long before the walks are getting longer and longer and you are feeling better and better after each one.

4. If you already exercise you might want to consider having a recumbent bike in your home for those days when you don’t want to go to the gym, it’s raining so you can’t walk outside, or your exercise partner is sick and you want to stay home. Make it so there isn’t an excuse NOT to exercise!


My Daily Affirmation

My empathy brings comfort to others.

My relationships with others are more effective because I am empathetic. Others feel drawn to me when they need a shoulder to lean on.

Work relationships are professional but they also need a bit of a personal touch. My team members know that I am open to listening to their challenges. It is important that they know I function effectively as a confidant and source of comfort.


Fact Or Fiction?

Your body uses different cells to accomplish different tasks. Did you know that these particular types of cells outnumber your body cells 10 to 1?  Click here to find out what!

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Have a wonderful day!

Your Healthy Life America Team


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