Is There One Tree with Different Tea Leaves?

WedMarch14CI.jpgIN YOUR DAILY DOSE: today is research published in Cell Press demonstrating something interesting about the tea you’re drinking.

MAKING CHANGES: Tea is a very healthy drink, associated with increased fat metabolism, heart health and relaxation.

FACT OR FICTION: These are the windows to your soul - can you guess what they are?


In The News

Researchers analyzed leaves from the Camellia senesis tree, otherwise known at the tea tree. The leaves of this evergreen shrub are rich in antioxidants and caffeine, imbuing tea with the same benefits. Interestingly, leaves from this bush can have different taste and researchers spent five years analyzing the DNA of the bush to determine why and the different levels of benefits you may experience from those teas.


Daily Health Tip

A daily cup of tea helps reduce your stress, improve your heart health, increase fat metabolism and host of other immune mediated benefits.

Making Changes

Include a hot tea drink daily without added sugar or dairy products to fully experience the benefits from tea.


Daily Affirmation

My family and friends share my ups and downs. I celebrate my victories with them and count on them to lift up my spirits when I need a lift. I welcome feedback from colleagues at work. I use their input to enhance my performance and advance my career.
Spending time with children teaches me how to stay lively. I imagine seeing the world through their eyes. I become more curious and joyful.


Fact or Fiction?

They are the windows to your soul, and one way you process your environment. Here are some fun facts about your beautiful baby blues.

  1. It takes you 1/10th of a second to blink your eyes.
  2. Your eyes heal quickly, taking just 48 hours to heal a corneal scratch.
  3. Newborns don’t produce tears. They don’t start flowing until between 4 and 13 weeks.
  4. Heterochromia is when someone is born with two different color eyes.
  5. Out of all the muscles in your body, the ones that control your eyes are the most active.
  6. You blink about 12 times each minute.
  7. Your eyes can see about 10 million different colors.
  8. If your eyes were a camera they would be 576 megapixels.
  9. Researchers use the game “Tetris” to treat lazy eye.
  10. Your eyes can get sunburned.


Have a wonderful day!

Your Healthy Life America Team


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