Repel Mosquitoes

July29_FridayMosquito.jpgIN YOUR DAILY DOSE today you’ll discover that while insect repellent may work, there are other issues with the products that can create more problems than it solves.

IN MAKING CHANGES today you’ll discover 8 different strategies you can use to reduce the potential of getting bitten.

IN FACT OR FICTION you’ll discover that your heart is an amazing pump. You may already know that, but did you know these five facts?

In The News

Mosquitoes can transmit a number of different disease, from the Zika virus to malaria and hepatitis. OFF has produced a clip-on device that deters mosquitoes and reduces your potential for contracting mosquito borne illness.

The clip on releases a vapor form of an insecticide, using a battery powered fan. Researchers found that the combination of fan and vapor would kill mosquitoes within a 0.3 meter distance, enough to protect one person.



Daily Health Tip


Although this OFF product is effective against the mosquito population, the testing on the health of humans is not as positive. The active ingredient is Metofluthrin, which is a pyrethroid pesticide. These pesticides are dangerous for humans and animals.

Although important that you don’t get stung and infected with a communicable disease, it must be balanced against the toxins to which you are exposed in the products. It could be time to start looking for more natural ways of reducing your risk of getting bitten by a mosquito.


Making Changes

1. Stay inside at dusk when mosquitoes are most active.

2. Don’t wear floral prints or perfumes or colognes that attract mosquitoes.

3. Avoid perfumed soaps, cosmetics and perfumed deodorants when you’re outside.

4. Try rubbing garlic clove over your exposed skin.

5. Avon Skin So Soft Original Scent works wonders as an insect repellent and is much safer.

6. Throw rosemary on the fire if you have a fire pit or on the bar-b-que.

7. Eliminate standing water from your yard where mosquitoes breed.

8. Citronella candles will repel mosquitoes in the area.


My Daily Affirmation

Self-Reflection Questions:

1. How do I make time in my busy schedule to relax with my friends?

2. How can I balance showing love to others while being firm about my criticism?

3. How easy is it for me to be warm to others when I am feeling down?


Fact Or Fiction?

Your heart pumps every day, night and day. Whether you are thinking about it or not, your heart is delivering oxygen rich blood to your tissues and your body. Here are five amazing facts you can share with friends and family.

Your heart is an amazing pump that:


1. Never fatigues!  Your heart begins pumping from four weeks after conception and continues until the day you die. The muscle may weaken from infection or disease, but the muscle doesn’t fatigue the way that other muscles in your body do. Try squeezing a tennis ball around 100,000 times a day, which is how often your heart beats each day, and will likely be unable to do it. Your heart will never tire out.

2. Although we talk about people who have big hearts as being generous, and we strive to increase the size of bicep and quadricep muscles, growing a bigger heart is not a better heart. An enlarged heart is not a healthy heart. The average heart is the size of your fist and weighs less than one pound. Your heart is built for a marathon race, beating from fours weeks after conception until the day you die. Your heart is not used for a sprint.

3. Although your heart is strong and an amazing pump, it can be damaged or weakened by illness or disease. Something as simple as a common cold can weaken the heart muscle by causing viral cardiomyopathy.  And, just like other areas of your body, your heart can recover function once your body recovers from the virus. Other factors that will weaken your heart are arterial plaques, increased blood pressure, excess alcohol and certain chemotherapy drugs.

4.  As remarkable as it might sound, your heart will continue to beat after it is removed from your body. This is because your heart has its own electrical system, and as long as it continues to receive oxygen, it will continue to beat.

5.  Broken hearts and silent heart attacks are real. Although the classic symptoms of a heart attack includes heaviness or tightness in your chest, there are other possible presentations, including fatigue, sweating, nausea, palpitations and neck or arm pain. And some people, particularly people who suffer from diabetes, will have no symptoms at all.  Some post-menopausal women can also suffer from a ‘broken heart.’ During ‘takotsubo’s cardiomyopathy” the stress of the loss of a loved one, loss of money, surprise party or even fear of performing in public can trigger a temporary syndrome during which portions of your heart can become paralyzed.


Have a wonderful day!

Your Healthy Life America Team


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