Students, College and Money

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In your Daily Dose today you’ll discover what researchers have found about college students, stress and financial matters. They surveyed over 18,000 students from 52 different colleges and universities to draw their conclusions.

In Fact or Fiction you’ll learn exactly why banana flavoring doesn’t taste like real bananas. And you’ll have your daily affirmations that are true for each of us who believe them and use them. These aren’t true for just a select few – but for each of us who embrace the reality that we can be successful in what we do based on how we think.


In The News

College is a financial expense that many families have not adequately planned to meet. In a study from Ohio State University, researchers found that 7 of every 10 college students are stressed about their personal finances and nearly 60% said they worry about having the money to pay for school.

The survey of over 18,500 students at 52 different colleges and universities was conducted by the team from Ohio State’s Office of Student Life and College of Education and Human Ecology. But while 50% worried about their monthly expenses, more than 75% thought that college was a very good investment in their financial future and thought that they would be able to support themselves after graduation. They believe that going to college will pay off in the end.

Between 17 and 19% of students relied only on student loans, with one in every five graduating with more than $30,000 of debt. However, while loans were used for paying off education, most students didn’t carry much credit card debt. Only 43% had cards and 47% of those paid off the balance every month. Of those who didn’t, the majority owed less than $1,000.00.



Daily Health Tip

Financial planning is something that affects everyone from the time they leave the nest until they experience an empty nest. The study proposed that colleges and universities must find a way to help student manage the stress of monthly expenses so they could make more positive financial decisions.

But the responsibility also lies with parents who must start talking about money before the birds leave the nest. Too often these conversations are uncomfortable for adults who didn’t talk with their own parents about money, savings and budgeting – and so have a similar problem discussing the issues with their children.

However, our children learn how to deal with most things in life from what they learn at home. If we don’t talk about money at home, they’ll be forced to learn the lessons the hard way. Realistically, no parent wants to see their child start out life in a situation that’s far from ideal.


Making Changes

Although the survey showed that most students had a strong handle on their credit card debt, it also showed that 3 of every 10 students had to either reduce their class load to switch universities to be able to continue to pay for their education.

If you have trouble talking about money with your children, consider enrolling in a community class together and doing the homework together to spark conversations and debate about savings, investment and handling money.

Buy a financial planning book and read it together with your students. Consider starting an investment and savings club for parents and students in your area. Talk with your own financial planner or investment broker if you use one about talking with your student or arranging a shadow day.

Talk about how to budget money and involve your children in planning out your family budget as well.

The more information children have before they have to take care of these issues independently, the better equipped they’ll be to handle the situations that arise.



My Daily Affirmation

Working hard proves that I have resolve. I have courage to take on tough challenges. I feel capable and strong.

At times I feel mentally drained. Even though the temptation is there to give up, I fight through it. I convince myself that it only takes one small step at a time. When I cross the finish line, I feel impressed by my ability to stay the course.


Fact Or Fiction?

What do you think about banana flavoring? Does it taste like real bananas? Most people think it doesn’t. There’s a rumor it’s because the flavoring is based on a type of banana which is no longer sold in the grocery stores. But that wouldn’t be true.

You might be interested to learn that the reason that banana flavoring doesn’t taste like the bananas you enjoy from the grocery store is not that these products are based on a type of banana that was wiped out by a crop plague in the 1950s but instead because natural flavors are complex and require complexity to duplicate. Isoamyl acetate is the main chemical flavoring in any banana - natural or chemical. However this is only one of the chemicals in natural flavoring but the only one used in chemical flavors, leaving you feeling as if there is something missing.


Have a wonderful day!
Your Healthy Life America Team

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