You May Not Need That Colonoscopy



IN YOUR DAILY DOSE today is news about a new assessment tool your physician may soon be using to determine if you are a candidate for a colonoscopy or should be using other less invasive testing methods. Colorectal cancer is third most common form of cancer diagnosed each year.

IN MAKING CHANGES today are changes you can make to your daily routine that will reduce the potential you will be diagnosed with colorectal cancer.

IN FACT OR FICTION you’ll discover some very incredible facts about your heart. It is truly a phenomenal pump, working 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

In The News

Colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer diagnosed. And, while you may not want to think about it, a colonoscopy is one test that can save your life. However, the test is uncomfortable, requires two days of preparation and will mean you are out of work for at least a whole day.

But, in research released by Regenstrief Institute, a new assessment tool may cut down the number of people who get a colonoscopy.

Although 85 percent of the population is classified as average risk, the screening test is underused and may be inefficient because of the inability of the physician to tailor the screening method.

The study was conducted with patients between 50 and 80 who were classified as average risk. They used a new assessment tool to separate the participants into high risk and low risk categories. They found that the assessment tool was able to differentiate between people who need the colonoscopy for screening and those who can use a less invasive technique and testing.



Daily Health Tip

Individuals at high risk for colon cancer should have a colonoscopy scheduled and another based on their risk potential and findings from the first one. However, there are choices you can make that will reduce your risk and improve your outcomes.


Making Changes

1. Drink enough fluid to stay hydrated so your stool doesn’t become hard and constipated. Hard stool puts a strain on your colon and lower intestinal tract.

2. Eat a diet high in soluble fiber. These vegetables and nuts act as a prebiotic, helping the good bacteria in your gut to proliferate and reduce the number of bad bacteria. The good bacteria in your gut produce butyrate with fermentation, which your intestinal cells use to replicate and protect your body.

3. Reduce the number of antibiotics you take and infections you get through good health practices.

4. Reduce the amount of sugar and carbohydrates you eat. The bad bacteria in your gut use the sugar to grow and outgrow the good bacteria.


My Daily Affirmation

Cheating is an extreme that I refuse to entertain. It weighs on my conscience and prevents me from being at peace. Any success earned by dishonest means is sure to dwindle away with time.

Even though I sometimes want to earn more, I remain patient. I know that I always have enough to get by. That knowledge keeps me from becoming frustrated with my circumstances.


Fact Or Fiction?

Your heart is the world’s most impressive pump. It works 24 hours each day, without fail, without rest, and asking only for good nutrition in return. Find out exactly how much it pumps every day!  

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Your Healthy Life America Team


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