Your Gut Bacteria Might Lead to New Treatments

MonJan14CI.jpgIN YOUR DAILY DOSE: today from Rockefeller University is research that demonstrates how your gut and body conversation may lead to new treatments for chronic disease.

MAKING CHANGES: Small changes to your diet may improve your gut microbiome.

FACT OR FICTION: Dogs are amazing creatures, both what they do for us and what they do instinctively. They have several ways of marking their territory and telling dogs who come along after them who has been there and a little about themselves. Do you know how they do this?


In The News

Research from Rockefeller University demonstrates a symbiotic relationship between the trillions of bacteria in your gut and your body. It turns out these bacteria and our cells speak the same language.

Although an important link, researchers are now considering using genetically engineered bacteria to communicate with your gut bacteria. However, you can improve your health without using genetically engineered anything.


Daily Health Tip

Take care to eat whole, organic, non-GMO foods, and include fermented food too!

Making Changes

What you eat affects the growth of bacteria in your gut that outnumbers the number of cells in your body. This bacteria is responsible for the strength of your immune system and impacts the inflammatory response in your body - which in turn affects your heart health, risk of stroke and potential for suffering immune mediated diseases, such as lupus.

You may make significant impact on your gut microbiome by making just a couple of changes to your diet. Researchers have discovered people eating a variety of vegetables have a more diverse microbiome (important to health). Sugar feeds the bad bacterial growth in your intestines.  Here are several strategies that may help you:

  1. Consider using a quality probiotic and prebiotic supplement - the first to add a diverse microbiome to your gut and the second to feed them.
  2. Reduce or eliminate your sugar intake, smoking and alcohol consumption as each negatively affects your gut bacteria, your immune system and your heart health.
  3. Increase the amount of non-carbohydrate fiber you eat daily as it feeds your good bacteria and found in vegetables.
  4. Reduce the amount of carbohydrates you eat each day as these foods metabolize into sugar in your body.


Daily Affirmation

I plan ahead.
Planning helps me figure out where I want to go and what I need to do to reach my destination. I think about my purpose in life and line up my options.

Fact or Fiction?

Dogs are amazing creatures, both what they do for us and what they do instinctively. They have several ways of marking their territory and telling dogs who come along after them who has been there and a little about themselves. Do you know how they do this?

Dogs have several ways of marking their territory. They have scent glands in their anus. When they poop those glands excrete scent telling the next dog who comes along a little about your dog. When they kick their legs to “cover” the poop, they also excrete scent from glands on their back paws.


Have a wonderful day!

Your Healthy Life America Team


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