Fiber and Food Allergies

Sept28Fiber.jpgIN YOUR DAILY DOSE: today is new research that links fiber to food allergies. How this impacts your daily routine may surprise you.

MAKING CHANGES: each day can create challenges. However, with just a little creativity and planning you may make a positive impact on your food allergies.

FACT OR FICTION: today is the answer to where the expression, “You wear your heart on your sleeve” originates. It dates back to the Middle Ages!

In The News

Researchers estimate that upwards of 15 million people suffer from food allergies. The economic cost of food allergies in children may cost close to $25 billion every year. Researchers now find that the development of food allergies in mice is related to the food they absorb from their gut.

The mice that received a diet with an average number of calories, sugar and fiber had more severe peanut allergies than those mice who were fed a high-fiber diet. They found the bacteria living in the gut could release a specific fatty acid in response to fiber, and this eventually impacts your allergic responses and changes to your immune system.



Daily Health Tip

Eating a diet high in fiber has been demonstrated to reduce your risk of obesity, diabetes, heart disease and, now food allergies.


Making Changes

Making changes on a daily basis can be challenging. One of the best ways to ensure you’re following the path you’ve set for yourself is to track your intake using a food and exercise fitness app, like MyFitnessPal. Many of these apps are free to use and help you track more than just your fiber and calories.

Find the foods high in fiber that you enjoy and make an effort to include them in your diet everyday. You can eat them raw or quickly roast them for the best nutritional effect.


Daily Affirmation

I keep like-minded people in my life so the relationships are easy. My friends fall into that category. They give me good advice when I need it most.

Whenever I get ahead of myself with a goal, they remind me to slow down. I remain on the right track when I have that outer voice to prevent me from getting flustered. Their thoughtfulness is a blessing to me.


Fact or Fiction?


Do you wear your heart on your sleeve? Today the expression means that others can see how you feel about another person. However, in the Middle Ages, people drew the name of their intended Valentine out of a bowl and pinned the name on their sleeve. From this practice grew the expression - to wear your heart on your sleeve.


Have a wonderful day!

Your Healthy Life America Team


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