Atrial Fib Increases Risk of Stroke: New Treatment May Reduce Risk

FriJuly6CI.jpgIN YOUR DAILY DOSE: is research from Rush University Medical that evaluates an implantable cardiac device designed to reduce the chance of stroke with atrial fibrillation.

MAKING CHANGES: You may experience an increased risk of atrial fibrillation but with some lifestyle changes, you may experience better health.

FACT OR FICTION: Not many people want to pick up or play with a snake. They have the reputation for being slimy but their skin is actually smooth and dry. It’s the length and width that might be shocking to you!


In The News

Physicians from Rush University Medical Center may now offer a new implantable cardiac device to reduce the risk of stroke if you suffer from atrial fibrillation. This provides you with an alternative to using long-term blood thinners. However, both blood thinners and the device have side effects that may be dangerous.

Currently, an estimated five million people in the U.S. suffer from atrial fibrillation, which puts them at five times greater risk of stroke than people without the condition. Blood thinners put you at greater risk of bleeding disorders.

Atrial fibrillation is the most common cardiac arrhythmia causes the upper chambers of the heart to beat too quickly without being in rhythm with the lower chambers. Since the heart isn’t beating properly you are at greater risk of a clot forming in the left atrial chamber.


Making Changes

Your healthcare team may recommend you make lifestyle changes. These may be difficult but it could be easier to focus on the positive aspects of these changes. These are some of the changes that will make living with your condition easier, or may help prevent it.

  • Quit smoking
  • Reduce your alcohol intake
  • Limit caffeine
  • Eat a healthy, well-balanced diet
  • Exercise regularly
  • Get eight hours of quality sleep


Daily Affirmation

Today, I focus on the health of my cells. I understand that the efficient function of my cells is paramount to my overall health, so I ensure my cells get the nutrients they need.
Self-Reflection Questions:
1. How can I help my cells stay strong through diet or fitness changes?
2. How can I help my family members prevent illness?
3. What resources can I use to learn more about how foods or additives affect my body?

Fact or Fiction?

Snakes are interesting creatures who keep our gardens free of pests. However, some species can get quite large, requiring a great deal more food than the common Garter Snake. The longest is the Reticulated Python which can grow up to 33 FEET long. The widest or fattest, is the Anaconda, who can grow up to 44 inches in diameter. Neither of these snakes should be met on a dark night!

Have a wonderful day!

Your Healthy Life America Team


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