Blood Sugar and High Blood Pressure

Jan26CandyCI.jpgIN YOUR DAILY DOSE today you’ll discover how high blood sugar is linked to high blood pressure, which is also linked to heart disease, stroke, kidney disease and blindness.

IN MAKING CHANGES today are specific strategies you can use starting TODAY that will help you stabilize your blood sugar, whether you suffer from diabetes or not.

IN FACT OR FICTION you’ll discover four very cool facts about your heart that will help you appreciate this incredible pump.

In The News

Everything in our body is interrelated and interconnected. Scientists have now discovered another interconnection that gives you more motivation to keep your blood sugar under control.

Your blood vessels will expand and contract in response to the amount of glucose is circulating in your blood stream. When your sugar is too high it increases the contraction of the arteries and therefore your blood pressure. When your blood pressure is too high it increases your risk of heart attack and stroke.

The donut you eat this morning is related to how high your blood pressure goes and your risk for a heart attack. Dr. Richard Rainbow, Lecturer in Cardiovascular Cell Physiology, says,

"We have shown that the amount of sugar, or glucose, in the blood changes the behaviour of blood vessels making them contract more than normal. This could result in higher blood pressure, or could reduce the amount of blood that flows through vital organs.”

Blood flow through your organs will also affect the health of the cells in those organs - such as your eyes and kidneys.



Daily Health Tip

Maintaining a stable blood sugar level is important to your health in more ways than one. But, keeping it stable shouldn’t depend solely on medication from your doctor. We truly are what we eat, including the completely empty calories from processed foods and foods high in sugar and carbohydrates.


Making Changes

You CAN control your blood sugar, or help to control it with medication, with just a couple small changes. It won’t take long for you to get used to incorporating these changes into your everyday routines. The trick is to be committed to better health!

1. Reduce or eliminate all processed foods from your diet. Eat only whole, real foods.

2. Steer clear of fruit which is high in natural carbohydrates and sugars - which also spike your insulin and sugar levels in your body.

3. Eat foods higher in fats, such as nuts and seeds. Include high quality proteins, such as organic, grass-fed meats.

4. Foods higher in fats will stabilize your blood sugar and are metabolized more slowly so you stay full longer.

5. Go for a 15 minute walk after lunch and dinner. This helps to burn off the carbohydrates from the meal without using insulin and helps to stabilize your blood sugar.

6. Reduce or eliminate alcohol from your diet. Alcohol is pure carbohydrates, which is metabolized into sugar in your body.

7. Get at least 30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise every day.

8. Include strength training 2 to 3 times per week. Extra muscle will help stabilize your sugar levels.

9. Balance the flora in your gut, which stabilizes your blood sugar. You can do that by eating fermented vegetables you make at home or taking a probiotic.

10. Eat prebiotic foods daily to feed the good bacteria in your intestines and keep them balanced.



My Daily Affirmation

There are important questions I ask myself after I err. My initial focus is on the reason behind the mistake. I take a few moments to arrive at the honest answer.

The source of my mistake is sometimes difficult to come to terms with, but I am honest with myself. I stand a better chance for success with my second opportunity because I accept my shortcoming.


Fact Or Fiction?

Your heart is an incredibly powerful and wonderful pump. In today’s fact or fiction you’ll discover four cool facts you can share with your friends. Click here to find out!

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Have a wonderful day!

Your Healthy Life America Team

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