Are You Feeling Blue or Seeing Blue?


 IN YOUR DAILY DOSE today is research that demonstrates your mood and emotional health are tied to your perception of color and memory.

IN MAKING CHANGES today are suggestions on how to improve your mood and stabilize your emotional health.

IN FACT OR FICTION you’ll discover the authentic jewelry many women pay thousands to wear, will actually dissolve in vinegar.


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HIT for Older Women Not as Effective



IN YOUR DAILY DOSE today you’ll learn about recent research that finds HIT training for older women not as effective as it is for older men and younger individuals. The reason is still not clear, but there are recommendations for further exploration.

IN MAKING CHANGES today are tips to keep your exercise routine fresh and functional.

IN FACT OR FICTION you’ll discover where this brown fish sauce originated and how the recipe evolved from fish to vegetable.

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You May Not Need That Colonoscopy



IN YOUR DAILY DOSE today is news about a new assessment tool your physician may soon be using to determine if you are a candidate for a colonoscopy or should be using other less invasive testing methods. Colorectal cancer is third most common form of cancer diagnosed each year.

IN MAKING CHANGES today are changes you can make to your daily routine that will reduce the potential you will be diagnosed with colorectal cancer.

IN FACT OR FICTION you’ll discover some very incredible facts about your heart. It is truly a phenomenal pump, working 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

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Can Your Doctor Predict if Medicine Works?



IN YOUR DAILY DOSE today is news that researchers may be on the brink of finding how to predict if medication for depression will or will not work for you. Being able to predict the effectiveness of medication will help to reduce the trial period and help you feeling better faster.

IN MAKING CHANGES today are 6 recommendations for feeling better and boosting your mood - and it isn’t to smile more!

IN FACT OR FICTION you’ll learn that kissing your spouse burns more calories than you might imagine. In fact, double the number you burn just sitting still and watching television!

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Multiple Sclerosis Affected by Light



IN YOUR DAILY DOSE today is research that affects those with Multiple Sclerosis and other autoimmune diseases. Your environment and the length of your days affects you more than you might think.

IN MAKING CHANGES today you’ll discover some of the daily things you can add to your routine that will help reduce your risk of MS and improve your symptoms if you have it.

IN FACT OR FICTION you’ll discover that although it was just the title of a column in Reader’s Digest, they were absolutely correct in their assumption.

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Resistant Bacteria Can Grow in Your Home

FridayBacteriaCI.jpgIN YOUR DAILY DOSE today is shocking research about how quickly bacteria can become resistant to antibiotics and the devastating this effect can have on your family and your health.

IN MAKING CHANGES today are 6 strategies you can use that will reduce the potential you grow bacteria that are resistant to antibiotics and how to keep yourself healthy.

IN FACT OR FICTION you’ll learn some of the other reasons you want to go on vacation - and they don’t include relaxation or stress reduction!

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You Have Neurons That Switch Back and Forth

ThursdayNeuronsCI.jpgIN YOUR DAILY DOSE today you’ll learn that scientists have discovered that neurons in your brain can switch functions. This discovery could lead to better control of neurological conditions, such as epilepsy.

IN MAKING CHANGES are techniques you can use to protect your brain and nervous system from damage.

IN FACT OR FICTION is the only mammal on earth that cannot jump.

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What You Think About Makes a Big Difference

WednesdayThinkingCI.jpgIN YOUR DAILY DOSE today is information about your thoughts concerning your own mortality. Yes, at some point we will all die. It’s what you do between TODAY and your last day that makes a difference in your life and the lives of those you love.

IN MAKING CHANGES you will discover four specific things you can start today to improve your self-esteem - you’ll see health effects within weeks!

IN FACT OR FICTION today you’ll discover the snakes that are the widest and the one that is the longest.

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Battle Between Bacteria and Weight Loss

TuesdayAntibioticsCI.jpgIN YOUR DAILY DOSE
today is news from Chalmers University about the role bacteria in your gut plays in your weight loss efforts. The number, type and balance also has something to do with your immune system and your ability to utilize some drugs prescribed by your physician.

IN MAKING CHANGES you’ll find 5 things you can do to improve your gut microbiome, improve your immune system, lose weight and improve your health.

IN FACT OR FICTION today is an interesting fact about your dog or cat. Can you tell the difference when they “talk” to you?  

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You Can Determine How Much You Weigh



IN YOUR DAILY DOSE today you’ll discover a specific way of thinking that is bad for your health. You already know that what you think will more likely become reality than if you don’t think it at all. Researchers have discovered something that could help you lose and maintain your weight more easily.

IN MAKING CHANGES today are suggestions you can use to improve your self-talk and what your inner voice is saying.

IN FACT OR FICTION today you’ll discover a feared species of fish that has a kitchen name.


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