Eating a Higher Fat Diet Lowers Blood Pressure and Triglycerides

Feb4SteakCI.jpgIN YOUR DAILY DOSE today is a research discovery that has deep meaning for the flavor of the foods you eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner. High quality, healthy fats are actually good for you!

IN MAKING CHANGES today are a list of great foods high in healthy fats you can incorporate into your day to increase your intake. Food high in fats will reduce your craving for sweets and carbohydrates. Diets low in carbs will improve your weight loss and reduce your risk of disease. It’s a win/win!

IN FACT OR FICTION you’ll discover where the term ‘lobbyist’ was first coined. It’s an interesting story!

In The News

Science is gradually catching up with information from holistic medicine practitioners have been talking about for years. In fact, there has been years of research that refutes the idea a high carb diet will improve your health and weight loss efforts.

Researchers from Children’s Hospital and Research Center in Oakland California found that although the DASH diet would reduce blood pressure and low-density lipoproteins (bad cholesterol), a DASH diet that was higher in fat would also reduce triglycerides while maintaining the benefits of the original DASH diet.

According to Science Daily,

“Thirty-six adult participants completed all three diet periods. Blood pressure was reduced similarly in the DASH and HF-DASH diet compared to the Control diet. The HF-DASH diet significantly reduced triglycerides and large and medium sized very low-density lipoprotein particles in comparison with the DASH diet, and there was no significant difference in LDL-C response between these diets. Therefore the modified HF-DASH diet presents an effective alternative to the widely recommended DASH diet, with less stringent dietary fat constraints that may promote even broader implementation.”



Daily Health Tip

The DASH diet is often considered the healthiest diet to eat to reduce your blood pressure and your blood sugar. However, with the addition of healthy fats you get even more benefits and the added fat reduces your craving for sugar and carbohydrates.


Making Changes

Foods high in healthy fats include, avocado, coconut oil, raw nuts and seeds, flax seeds, meats which are organic, range-raised and grass-fed. Other foods with healthy fats include dark chocolate, chia seeds and raw eggs.



My Daily Affirmation

Support in any form helps me to maintain an attitude of gratitude. It reminds me that moving successfully through life is easier when you are holding someone's hand.

Today, I commit to being as supportive to my family and friends as they are to me. My relationships are a key part of my success and happiness.


Fact Or Fiction?

Most large special interest groups have powerful lobbyists working for them. But, did you know where the term ‘lobbyist’ was first coined? You’ll be surprised how long it’s been used and where it got started. Click Here to find out!

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Have a wonderful day!

Your Healthy Life America Team


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