Emergency Workers at Greater Risk for Mental Illness When They Don’t Get Help

WedMar21CI.jpgIN YOUR DAILY DOSE: today reveals research from the University of Oxford finds the emergency service workers who are more likely to suffer from mental illness later in their careers may be spotted within their first week of training.

MAKING CHANGES: Depression, sadness and anger can affect anyone working in stressful situations. Making a few changes to your daily routine or career development goals may make the difference between a happy ending to a fulfilling career or being fired.

FACT OR FICTION: today are interesting facts about how well your neurological system is integrated into the rest of your body.


In The News

Trainee paramedics were the study participants used in the study from Oxford University. The group followed 400 new ambulance staff to find markers that may indicate which workers were at higher risk for post-traumatic stress disorder or major depression.

Follow up was carried out every four months for two years evaluating for outward signs of stress related behavior, such as smoking, increased alcohol use, over eating, drug use, burnout and insomnia.

The research team found that people who experienced PTSD or depression had lower perceived resilience to trauma or dwelt on a stressful event from the past. It is important to note that it wasn’t the actual resilience the researchers measured, but rather the perceived resilience of the participants.

Interestingly, it wasn’t the number of traumatic incidents the participants experienced that could predict an episode of PTSD but it was relevant when predicting episodes of depression.

SOURCE: https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2016/06/160628104158.htm

Daily Health Tip

Mental resilience is important when you are involved in any stressful situation in life. In your job, your relationships, your home life or your finances - when you are under stress you’ll manage better if you have mental resilience.

Making Changes

You may be able to improve your mental resilience through mental and physical exercises. In both instances you can draw upon these exercises later to prove to yourself you are capable and can meet and surpass the challenge.

Include physical exercise in your daily routine. These exercises help to improve your mood and emotional health, as well as the physical health of your brain.

Your mental strength is more than just willpower. It includes your belief that you are capable and can meet the challenge set before you. Although it easier to feel strong during times of less stress, you can also experience the same strength in times of stress.

Remember to evaluate your own core beliefs about yourself, your family and your goals in life. Don’t drain your mental strength by worrying about things that may never happen and over which you have no control.

Although you may have learned to remove negative thoughts from your thinking, it’s almost impossible to do this without also replacing them with productive thoughts about the same situation. You are going to think about your job, your boss or your spouse when things aren’t going well. But, instead of ruminating on the negative, decide to think about something you productive you can do about the situation.



Daily Affirmation

Animals teach me how to focus on the important things. When I observe the actions of my dogs, I realize their routine is consistent. Although distractions sometimes come along, they refuse to be swayed. I am inspired by their ability to first do what matters most, and consider other things after.

People with limited senses show me what it means to find workable alternatives. When I see a blind person walking briskly down the street, I am amazed. That person shows me that having a handicap makes room for the heightening of other senses.

Fact or Fiction?

Your Nervous System

Your nervous system is responsible for controlling your body. Here are several fun facts about how it functions.

1. You have more nerve cells in your brain than there are stars in the Milky-Way galaxy.

2. If you lined up all the neurons in your body it would measure over 600 miles long.

3. There are 100 billion neurons just in your brain.

4. As you get older, your brain loses weight; almost 1 gram every year.

5. Your newborn baby loses half their nerve cells BEFORE they are born.

6. On average you use only 4 percent of your brain at any one time.

7. Your nervous system transmits information at a speed of 100 meters per second.

Have a wonderful day!

Your Healthy Life America Team


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