Green Tea Might Protect Your Brain and Memory

MonFeb25CI.jpgIN YOUR DAILY DOSE: today is research from the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology demonstrates green tea may change the use of insulin in your brain and improve your memory.

MAKING CHANGES: Drink green tea daily!

FACT OR FICTION: Riddle are fun and sometimes brain teasers - here are a couple  - with the answers of course!


In The News

Research published in the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology demonstrates the benefits of using green tea on your brain and memory. The researchers found one of the chemicals in the tea - EGCG  - catechin and biologically active component in tea, may help stop high-fat and high-fructose insulin resistance in the brain - and thus impact your cognitive health and memory.


Daily Health Tip

Hydration is vital to your brain health, but don’t count tea in your fluid intake as most contains caffeine that dehydrates.

Making Changes

Drinking green tea daily is a healthy habit to start, but ensure the tea you’re drinking is non-GMO, organically raised and does not come from China where much of the tea grown is laden with chemicals and toxins.


Daily Affirmation

Negotiation is one of my strengths.
Being able to negotiate is a valuable gift. It helps me to get the most ideal outcome from situations. I constantly sharpen my negotiation skills so I improve with each interaction.

Fact or Fiction?

Riddle are fun and sometimes brain teasers - here are a couple  - with the answers of course!

  1. How far into a cornfield can you go?
  2. A man walks into a bar and asks for a glass of water. The bartender pulls a shotgun out from under the bar and fires over the man’s shoulder. The man says thank you, leaves a tip and walks out. Why does he thank the bartender and leave a tip?
  3. What two coins can you use to make 30 cents when one coin is not a nickel?


  1. Halfway - after that you’re walking out.
  2. The man had the hiccups.
  3. The other coin is a nickel and the first a quarter.

Have a wonderful day!

Your Healthy Life America Team


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