Inflammatory Response Shares Responsibility for Colon Cancer

August4_ThursdayBroccoli.jpgIN YOUR DAILY DOSE today you’ll discover that the DNA in your colon is intricately related to your health and the development of cancer in your body. The research from Duke University may also be used to help combat colon cancer that has already developed.

IN MAKING CHANGES today you’ll find strategies to reduce the inflammatory response in your gut, improve the health of your intestines and reduce the potential you’ll suffer from colon cancer.

IN FACT OR FICTION you’ll discover how many people enjoy a good snowball fight and where they did it.

In The News

Researchers from Duke University have demonstrated how the microRNA that dictates how cells divide is intricately related to the development of colon cancer.  This new study provides a biomarker in the cell that could serve as an early warning system for colon cancer and could potentially be harnessed to counteract advanced forms of this cancer.

According to Science Daily author quote,  "A quarter of the world's population is affected by some type of gut inflammation," said lead author Xiling Shen, associate professor of biomedical engineering at Duke University. "These patients always have a much higher chance of developing colon cancer, but it was never clear why. Now we have found a link."

The researchers focused on studying the microRNA that allows the cancer cells the ability to divide asymmetrically. This process controls the population of cancer cells. While previous research had pinpointed the RNA responsible for the ability, no one had determined where it came from. Normal healthy cells don’t divide asymmetrically.


Daily Health Tip

The inflammatory response in the body is responsible for many different illnesses and disease processes. From cancer to immune mediated diseases and cardiovascular disease, inflammation drives diseases. Carbohydrates and sugar increase the inflammatory response in the body and have been pinpointed as the responsible triggers for heart disease, stroke and cardiovascular disease, and not fat.

The inflammatory response in the gut is also linked to sugar, which feeds the bad bacteria in the gut. You have over 10 trillion bacteria living in your body, far more than you have cells. The majority of these bacteria live in your gut. Your health is dependent on the diversity of the bacteria and that the ‘bad’ bacteria do not overwhelm the ‘good’ bacteria.

The good bacteria produce a metabolite that feeds the cells that line your intestinal walls, keeping them strong and reproducing appropriately. The ‘bad’ bacteria do not produce this metabolite, leaving the intestinal cells without the proper nutrition for reproduction. Sugar feeds the bad bacteria and nonsoluble fiber feeds the good bacteria.

Making Changes

To improve the health of your intestinal tract and reduce the inflammatory response in your body it’s essential that you do several things.

1. Maintain a diverse bacterial growth in your colon by eating fermented foods, rich in good bacteria. You can also take a high quality probiotic supplement daily.

2. Feed the good bacteria in your gut by feeding it nonsoluble fiber found in vegetables.

3. Consider a high quality organic psyllium husk supplement to augment your fiber content that feeds the good bacteria.

4. Stop feeding the bad bacteria by limiting your carbohydrates to less than 100 grams per day. Count your carbs every day until you can accurately estimate how much you’re eating or drinking. Carbohydrates are found in most foods and are loaded in foods high in sugar, including fruits.


My Daily Affirmation

The influence from others inspires me to do the best with what I have. Complaining is hardly ever an option when I have something to work with. I take my mind away from how much I have and focus on what I am able to do with it.

Today, I am blessed by the interactions I have with others who are less fortunate. My life is richer and more meaningful because I am conscious of what really matters. The simple things give me peace of mind.

Fact Or Fiction?

Snowball fights are a great way to connect with friends and neighbors, get outside in the winter and enjoy the fresh air after being cooped up for days. But this city took the snowball fight to an extreme -


Your neighborhood may have gotten together for a fantastic snowball fight but in January 2013 5,834 people in Seattle Washington gathered to have fun in the largest snowball fight in recorded history.


Have a wonderful day!

Your Healthy Life America Team

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