Knees, Osteoarthritis and Weight Loss: A Lethal Combination

MonDec5CI.jpgIN YOUR DAILY DOSE today is research about your knees and how much help you’ll get by losing a bit of weight. MRI studies have found that the destruction to the cartilage in your knees slows down significantly when you lose weight.

IN MAKING CHANGES today you’ll discover four different tips to losing weight that don’t include drinking water, sleeping more, eating less or anything else like it.

IN FACT OR FICTION you’ll discover that all mammals have hair or fur, have live young and nurse them. But, not all mammals do something that we do. In fact there are only three mammals on the planet that do this, and we are one of them.

In The News

Approximately 700,000 knee replacements are performed each year. This is a huge medical cost and work lost. According to a new study released in the Radiological Society of North America, MRI imaging revealed that individuals who were obese and lost significant weight could slow the degeneration of cartilage in their knees and delay the need for knee replacements.

Although the replacement surgery is not as risky as it used to be, the replacement knee doesn’t always last a lifetime, doesn’t work the same as your own knee and can create more problems. By reducing the degeneration of the cartilage in your knee you also reduce your pain and need for pain medication.


Daily Health Tip

Obesity is a major risk factor for osteoarthritis, leading to cartilage damage in the knee and hip problems. But, if losing weight was easy, the weight loss industry wouldn’t gross millions of dollars each year.

Weight loss is challenging, requires persistence, consistency and a desire to change your health habits. Weight loss is not a result of the newest fad diet or reducing calories to near starvation level. Weight loss is a result of eating a balanced diet, getting plenty of exercise and having a strong sense of yourself and your future.

Making Changes

Each year millions of people make a New Year’s resolution to lose weight or to get healthy. But, without a plan they fail. Even those with a plan can fail. Here are a few tips to keep you on track this next year.

1. Identify why you want to lose weight and keep that idea front and center. Your reason will keep you motivated and inspired through the coming months. Many women will lose several pounds when they meet someone new and start falling in love. That man is their reason why. But that reason will fade. Find a reason that will stay with you through the coming months.

2. Identify a healthy eating plan that you can live with. Don’t fall for the newest fad diet, or try to eat just cabbage soup for weeks at a time. Healthy eating includes eating healthy fats, reducing your carbohydrates and sugars and eating healthy meat proteins.

3. Find someone who will help you stay focused forward. Everyone needs an accountability partner!

4. Choose a range of exercises you will enjoy. Walking, rowing, aerobic tapes, yoga, jogging, tennis, badminton, and cycling are activities you might enjoy. Anything you can do that increases your heart rate and breathing rate will do the trick.

My Daily Affirmation

I make others happy, one small gesture at a time.

My daily life is very busy, but I still make time for small gestures that help others. I like to show my appreciation and make them happy. Being kind in this way also gives me a great feeling and encourages me to be the best person that I can.



Fact Or Fiction?

Mammals are animals who bear live young, nurse them and have hair or fur.  Most mammals walk on four legs, while others have two or none. What was once thought to be unique to humans (menopause) has also been confirmed in pilot whales and killer whales. These are the only three mammals who lost fertility years before death. This allows both humans and whales to act as caretakers for their young, helping them to grow to adulthood, and take care of their grandchildren as well.


Have a wonderful day!

Your Healthy Life America Team

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