Light on PTSD May Help Treatments

WedApril26CI.jpg  IN YOUR DAILY DOSE: today is research from the University of Texas that identifies a  light source that may help PTSD sufferers.

  MAKING CHANGES: No changes to make here, let’s move on! However, if you’ve had a  brain injury or know someone with PTSD, you’ll want to know about the treatment  possibilities.

  FACT OR FICTION: Benjamin Franklin was an amazing person, inventor, author,  statesman and all around good guy. He fit 2 lifetimes of results and productivity into one,  without the benefit of airplane travel and digital communication. Here are a few more facts about this man.


In The News

After years of studying the effect of near-infrared light on PTSD sufferers, researchers believe they have a way to help with both diagnosis and treatment.

Researchers investigated the effects of brain imaging and treatments with near infrared light. Using the light they were able to increase the production of cytochrome-c-oxydase, a protein that stimulates blood flow and therefore reduces healing time.

Transcranial illumination and stimulation would increase the production of proteins and may be a novel and non-invasive way of improving memory in people suffering from brain injury and PTSD.


Daily Health Tip

Your brain is the core to who you are. You can improve your current health by eating foods that feed your brain health and protect you from neurodegenerative effects.

Making Changes

No changes today.


Daily Affirmation

I discover promising new opportunities. Like a scientist, I experiment until I reach a useful conclusion. I am willing to test my assumptions and take risks. I am flexible enough to change my views based on the evidence before me.

I ask questions. I challenge my assumptions and search for deeper truths.

Fact or Fiction?

Benjamin Franklin

Do you know if these facts are true or false about Benjamin Franklin?  Test your knowledge. Answer the questions before you look at the answers below.

1. Benjamin only went to school for two years, but was a prolific writer and inventor.

2. Benjamin Franklin retired at the ripe “old” age of 42 and spent his remaining years studying science and inventing.

3. Benjamin’s son was a British loyalist.

4. He is a member of the International Swimming Hall of Fame.


Guess what? They are all true!


Have a wonderful day!

Your Healthy Life America Team



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