Periodontitis High Mortality and Kidney Disease

Aug22_MondayTeeth.jpgIN YOUR DAILY DOSE today is research that has linked periodontitis and kidney disease with higher mortality rates than those patients who have periodontitis alone.

IN MAKING CHANGES today are strategies that reduce your risk of periodontitis and improve your oral health. Your oral health is also linked to your cardiovascular health and wellness.

IN FACT OR FICTION you’ll get to guess what this animal is . . . .

In The News

In a study from the University of Birmingham, researchers have discovered that patients who suffer from chronic kidney disease and periodontitis will experience a higher mortality rate than those patients who have only chronic kidney disease alone.

This means that you can reduce your risk of death if you have kidney disease and prevent or treat your periodontal disease. Gum disease is also linked to cardiovascular disease, cardiomyopathy and endocarditis (infection of the heart muscle).

Data from this study was from over 13,000 participants which demonstrated the mortality rate of individuals with chronic kidney disease was 10 percent lower when you didn’t also suffer from periodontitis. Gum disease is a non-communicable disease that triggers inflammation and infection in the gums when you don’t floss and care for your teeth.

According to Professor Iain Chapple from the University of Birmingham, quoted in Science Daily, "It's important to note that oral health isn't just about teeth. The mouth is the doorway to the body, rather than a separate organ, and is the access point for bacteria to enter the bloodstream via the gums. A lot of people with gum disease aren't aware of it, perhaps they just have blood in their spit after brushing teeth, but this unchecked damage to gums then becomes a high risk area for the rest of the body."


Daily Health Tip

Periodontal disease can range from simple gum disease and inflammation to serious disease that can damage your soft tissue and the bones that support the teeth in your mouth.  Your mouth is full of bacteria, that, along with mucus and other particles cause plaque on your teeth. Brushing and flossing can help reduce your plaque.

Making Changes

Reducing the plaque, and harder tartar, that forms on your teeth and causes periodontal disease or gum disease, is not as difficult as you might imagine. There are 3 very important things you can do that will help reduce your potential for disease and reduce your potential for other negative health effects.

1. Floss your teeth daily. You might not like it but realistically flossing takes about 2 minutes and will do you a world of good. You can use free floss or purchase floss that is mounted on a handle to make the process a bit easier.

2. Brush your teeth daily. Do NOT brush with force. This can damage your gum tissue. Instead, you want to brush lightly, covering all teeth surfaces.

3. Get your teeth professionally cleaned every six months by your dentist, unless recommended to come in more often. This will help reduce the tartar and plaque build-up that triggers gum disease.

Simple things you do that take less than 5 minutes each day - they can prevent infections, improve your health and your smile!


My Daily Affirmation

I am winning the battle against junk food.

I avoid processed and unhealthy foods because I care about my health. I plan ahead so my day is filled with healthy options instead of fast food.

Fact Or Fiction?

This animal lives in China, looks like a bear but is more like a raccoon. They have extra digits on their front paws . . . Can you guess?


I live in China. My coat is rich and full. Although I might look like a bear, I resemble a raccoon even more. People think I’m an omnivore, but I like the plants more than the animals. I have an extra digit on my front paws that helps me to eat the plants I love so much and my stomach has a thick layer of mucus to protect it from splinters.  Have you guessed yet?  I’m a Panda!


Have a wonderful day!

Your Healthy Life America Team

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