Taking Risks and Growing Your Brain Will Develop Your Life

FriFeb23CI.jpgIN YOUR DAILY DOSE today you’ll read research that demonstrated that people who are risk-takers and still land on their feet probably have more well developed brains than others. And the good thing, is that there are things you can do to develop your own brain matter further.

IN MAKING CHANGES today are several ways to challenge your brain and grow more white matter to improve the development of your brain.

IN FACT OR FICTION Did you know this about ducks?


In The News

In research published by SINTEF, largest Swedish independent research organization, scientist made an interesting discovery about people who are risk-takers. The surprising information was that people who often take chances but still land on their feet probably have a well-developed brain.

The research was part of an ongoing project studying the brains of young men who were either high or low risk-takers. The aim was to investigate decision making processes and study the ‘white matter’ of the brain. This network analyzes and transmits information through the brain.

The young men who were high risk-takers were also active and sought out other challenges in life. This stimulates the brain. The analysis by the researchers found two major differences in the white matter in the prefrontal cortex and in the rear of the brain that controls vision.

SOURCE: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2015/11/151130113545.htm


Daily Health Tip

The results of this research points to the probability that our actions impact the development of our brain matter. This brings home the old adage, “if you don’t use it, you’ll lose it!”


Making Changes

Challenging your brain and stepping outside your comfort zone will grow more white matter and improve your ability to make connections in your brain. Here are a few things you can do to make improvements.

  1. Pick up a crossword puzzle twice a week and work it until it’s finished.
  2. Learn a new physical skill, like skating, bowling, biking or rowing. You want a skill that requires some coordination between your brain and your hands or feet.
  3. Learn a new mental skill. Learning a new language, do math problems each day, learn a writing skill, or learning a complicated game.


My Daily Affirmation

Self-Reflection Questions:

  1.  How can I take a few minutes each day to help others?
  2.  What types of things can I do to brighten someone else's life?
  3.  How can I ensure that others feel uplifted in my presence?

Fact Or Fiction?

They are everywhere and are seen migrating across the sky in the fall. But, did you know:

  1. Their feet have no nerves of blood vessels so they don’t feel the cold and enables them to swim in icy water.
  2.  A duck’s quack doesn’t echo!
  3. There are about 40 different breeds of domesticated ducks.
  4. A Red-Breasted Merganser duck was once clocked flying just over 100 miles per hour being chased by a plane!
  5. A jet plane over Nevada once hit a duck at 21,000 feet! This is currently the highest recorded flight of any duck.
  6. They live anywhere between 2 and 12 years.
  7. Some ducks can fly up to 330 miles in a single day.


Have a wonderful day!

Your Healthy Life America Team




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