Your Gut is Really Connected to Your Brain

TuesApril24CI.jpgIN YOUR DAILY DOSE: Have you ever experienced a nervous stomach? Researchers demonstrate how your microbiome is connected to stress and anxiety.

MAKING CHANGES: You may have believed you were stuck with what you have, but with a few changes to your diet you can experience better health and impact the bacteria growing in your intestines, called your gut microbiome.

FACT OR FICTION: Do children eat more than adults? Is that normal? Do they need it or just want it?


In The News

Your gut feeling actually does come from your gut. Researcher from the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology demonstrate a strong scientific link between the bacteria growing in your gut and your emotional reaction to stress and anxiety producing situations.

Although the intent of the research is to find one more pill to impact your symptoms, it also demonstrates that the changes you may make to your lifestyle, and therefore your gut microbiota, can also change your reactions without taking a pill and suffering the side effects that often accompany the pharmaceutical approach. Dr. Vicki Ellingrod, chair of the session, was quoted in Science Daily, saying:

"Current state-of-the-art research in both animal models as well as humans point to the link between the gut microbiota and mood and anxiety models, as well as the potential for psychiatric medications to directly affect the gut microbiome."

Changes in the diversity of the microbiome of rats demonstrated changes in behavior and depressed-like behavior.


Daily Health Tip

No one wants to experience stress, anxiety or depression - yet that’s what many of us call our daily lives after a lifetime of eating habits that have destroyed our gut. Making just a couple of changes below may reduce your emotional reaction to stress and improve your outlook on life.

Making Changes

What you eat affects the growth of bacteria in your gut that outnumbers the number of cells in your body. This bacteria is responsible for the strength of your immune system and impacts the inflammatory response in your body - which in turn affects your heart health, risk of stroke and potential for suffering immune mediated diseases, such as lupus.

You may make significant impact on your gut microbiome by making just a couple of changes to your diet. Researchers have discovered people eating a variety of vegetables have a more diverse microbiome (important to health). Sugar feeds the bad bacterial growth in your intestines.  Here are several strategies that may help you:

  1. Consider using a quality probiotic and prebiotic supplement - the first to add a diverse microbiome to your gut and the second to feed them.
  2. Reduce or eliminate your sugar intake, smoking and alcohol consumption as each negatively affects your gut bacteria, your immune system and your heart health.
  3. Increase the amount of non-carbohydrate fiber you eat daily as it feeds your good bacteria and found in vegetables.
  4. Reduce the amount of carbohydrates you eat each day as these foods metabolize into sugar in your body.


Daily Affirmation

My blessings seldom go unnoticed. I take the time to give thanks for them. Each wonderful experience encourages me to share good energy with others.
My community needs my help and support. I actively look for ways to give my services to those in need. I realize that just a little care goes a far way for someone else. Seeing someone's appreciation of my gesture is fulfilling.

Fact or Fiction?

Do children eat more than adults? Is that normal? Do they need it or just want it?

This is actually true. So, while you’re watching your little one down as much at dinner as you are without gaining weight, you’ll know there is good reason. How many calories that a person needs each day is dependent upon how many they burn and active children will usually burn more each day  than those who sit behind a desk.

Have a wonderful day!

Your Healthy Life America Team


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