Motivation, Motor Cortex and Recovery

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In your Daily Dose today you’ll discover why motivation has a significant impact on the ability of the brain to recover after stroke. Rehabilitation is a challenging process and journey taken by both the individual and the family. This research indicates that rehabilitation involving motor movement may all be significantly impacted by the motivation of the patient.

In Fact Or Fiction we’ll answer a question about blue eyes and the people in your family who may have them. And, you’ll also find your daily affirmation to help raise your outlook and improve your daily results.


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Doctors Increase Your Success Rate

WedAp13WeightCI.jpgIn Your Daily Dose
today you’ll discover how important your doctor is in your efforts to lose weight, and why. Researchers from Johns Hopkins Medicine reviewed the data from over 300 individuals and learned how you can increase your potential for success in your weight loss efforts.

Making Changes gives you a resource to improve your success in the goals you want to achieve this year.

Your Daily Affirmation continues to walk you through becoming for fit, physically and mentally.

In Fact or Fiction you’ll discover exactly how many beaches are on Australia and how long it would take you to visit all of them. Sounds like fun!

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New Clue to Antibiotic Resistance

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In the Daily Dose Today, research has uncovered a new clue that might reduce the problems with antibiotic resistance. Learn what it is and how it affects your daily life. In Fact Or Fiction find out what your brain uses when you think.


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Physical and Financial Health are Linked

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In today’s story you’ll discover how the persistence of one young lady changed the world in way that we could not have predicted. It’s sometimes nice to be able to predict the future, but if you could, would you predict this?

In the news we find that researchers have linked financial and physical health, but not in the way you might imagine. Those who are financially stable are not always the same people who take care of their health and visa versa. In Fact Or Fiction you’ll discover whether how much your child is eating is a normal amount of calories.

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Long-Term Effects of Electronic Cigs

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In the Daily Dose today you’ll discover there is one risk to electronic cigarettes which you may not have considered. In fact, many parents don’t consider this risk to their children at all. In ‘Fact Or Fiction’ we explore whether there really are people who are accident prone or if it’s just an old-wives tale. 

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New Treatments for Stroke

FriApr1MedicineCI.jpgIN YOUR DAILY DOSE today is research from the New England Journal of Medicine about new treatments for type-2 diabetes to prevent secondary stroke and heart attacks.

IN MAKING CHANGES are strategies to prevent cardiovascular disease without medication.

IN FACT OR FICTION you’ll discover that taking one to two tablespoons of this each day can help regulate your blood sugar, reduce the inflammatory response in your body and can be found on your grocery store shelves.


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Your Reaction to Stress More Important than the Frequency

ThurMar31StressCI.jpgIN YOUR DAILY DOSE today is information about how STRESS in your life affects your health. But it’s not just any stress, it’s about your reaction and not how frequently you are exposed to it.

IN MAKING CHANGES today are strategies you can use to reduce stress in your life and take back your health.

IN FACT OR FICTION you’ll discover what looks like a gigantic fly but whose larvae lives underground for anywhere from 3 to 14 years.


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High Cholesterol Diet NOT Linked with Heart Disease

WedMar30HeartCI.jpgIN YOUR DAILY DOSE today is information that will help you design a nutritional plan which includes foods you love, will help you lose weight and is not linked with heart disease.

IN MAKING CHANGES today are strategies you can use to improve your health through the foods you eat without fear of heart disease and stroke.

IN FACT OR FICTION you’ll discover some interesting details about history and the Civil War.


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Oral Bacteria Linked to a Stroke

TuesMarch29TeethCI.jpgIN YOUR DAILY DOSE today you’ll discover that the amount of bacteria in your mouth can increase your risk for stroke.

IN MAKING CHANGES today are strategies to reduce the bad bacteria, reduce plaque formation and make your next teeth cleaning a LOT more pleasant.

IN FACT OR FICTION are interesting facts about cigarettes that you may not already know. For example, did you know that doctors once prescribed cigarettes to their patients?


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Drinking Water is Sooooo Good for You!

MonMarch28WaterCI.jpgIN YOUR DAILY DOSE today is news from a study evaluating the habits of over 18,000 people and how one little change can result in so many benefits.

IN MAKING CHANGES today are strategies you can use to incorporate this change into your everyday living.

IN FACT OR FICTION you’ll discover that he’s not your average camel.


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