When Failure is Perfect Sense

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In the Daily Dose today we discovered that making a mistake might be rewarding. In business it’s important to fail fast and keep moving. The idea is that we learn from our mistakes and the faster we make the mistakes and learn, the faster we reach success. Research from the University of Southern California tells us scientifically what happens when we fail and why it’s important to our future growth.

In today’s Fact or Fiction you’ll discover a very special island where you can swim with some very special animals.

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Motivation & Your Boss

ThurAp21BossCI.jpgIN YOUR DAILY DOSE today you’ll discover something researchers never expected to find about motivation in the workplace. Your boss has a significant amount of control over your perceived enjoyment of and motivation to complete your tasks. However, how that control is exerted will surprise you.

IN FACT OR FICTION you’ll discover a small town in Alaska where the mayor of the town is not quite as mayoral as you should expect.

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e-Cigarettes and Children

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In the Daily Dose today you’ll learn that although e-cigarettes can be slightly healthier than the real thing, they are deadly to children. If you have children in your home, whether you smoke these or not, you’ll want to know. You children have playdates a other homes – and they may be smoking these e-cigarettes.

In Fact or Fiction you’ll discover how many YEARS it would take to visit one beach a day while visiting Australia.  There really are that many beaches!

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The Ten Percent Rule

TueAp19RuleCI.jpgIn Your Daily Dose today we’re going to give you some tools to show you how finances grow when they are saved. But saving doesn’t mean using the spare mattress for holding it! It’s important that over the years your money goes to work for you instead of you working for you money.

In Your Daily Health Tip are 3 strategies you can use today to help your savings grow.

In Fact or Fiction you’ll learn why banana flavoring just can’t cut the mustard.


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Speaking a Second Language Improves Skills

MonAp18LanguageCI.jpgIn Your Daily Dose today is a story of a young woman who ignited the country when she decided enough was enough.  In your own life you’ll see injustice and poorly cared for people. What we do about what we see is the definition of who we are.

In the news, researchers found some very interesting benefits to learning a second language aside from communicating with others. The benefits are highly applicable to children who have cognitive development problems. 

In Fact or Fiction you’ll discover the age old question to whether or not your first born child really is the smartest of the bunch!

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Don’t Suffer with Nerve Pain

ThurAp14NerveCI.jpgIn Your Daily Dose
today researchers from Mount Sinai Medical Center have discovered a key treatment in pain relief for nerve pain –and it doesn’t involve medications which are addictive like opiates. Narcotic medications are highly addictive and become inefficient after only a short time. This means that the more you use them, the more you need and the less pain they alleviate. And, in the case of nerve pain, they aren’t effective at all.

In Fact or Fiction you’ll learn about an interesting Mayor of a small town in Alaska who has held office since 1997 and has had an amazing number of accidents.

Your Daily Affirmation speaks to the rewards you receive with hard work.



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Students, College and Money

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In your Daily Dose today you’ll discover what researchers have found about college students, stress and financial matters. They surveyed over 18,000 students from 52 different colleges and universities to draw their conclusions.

In Fact or Fiction you’ll learn exactly why banana flavoring doesn’t taste like real bananas. And you’ll have your daily affirmations that are true for each of us who believe them and use them. These aren’t true for just a select few – but for each of us who embrace the reality that we can be successful in what we do based on how we think.


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Talking it All Out With Your Doctor


FriAp15ChildrenCI.jpgIn Your Daily Dose today researchers from the University of Missouri looked at the discussions you have with your pediatrician and how they affect the outcome of your child’s illness. You might be surprised to learn how this can affect your family.

In Fact or Fiction you’ll discover an interesting fact about certain family of pigs which may entice you to take your next vacation in the Bahamas.

Your Affirmation today ask self-reflective questions to help you focus on your success.




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Have You Been Looking for the Fountain of Youth

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In your Daily Dose today you’ll discover how your brain changes based on your activity level and what that means for your future.  You’ve heard about how physical fitness impacts your potential for diabetes, heart disease, high cholesterol and a number of other problems, but you’ve probably not heard this one!

In the story today Steve finds out how change is sometimes good and sometimes not so good – but it’s what we make of the change in our lives that makes the difference in our future. In Fact or Fiction you’ll discover if your first child really is smarter than the rest.

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Research Finds One Thing Improves Sleep

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Do you want better sleep? Each of us needs healthy amount of quality sleep to reduce the potential we’ll experience sleep deprivation related illnesses or symptoms. A higher number of car accidents, in ability to think clearly, slower reaction time, over eating, lower sex drive, forgetfulness, depression and an increased risk for several dangerous health problems are all associated with lack of sleep. What can you do to improve the quality of your sleep? Discover a simple step in Daily Dose today.

In Fact or Fiction you’ll find out how much oxygen your body needs to survive.


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