New Clue to Antibiotic Resistance

WedAp6ResistanceCI.jpgIn Your Daily Dose

In the Daily Dose Today, research has uncovered a new clue that might reduce the problems with antibiotic resistance. Learn what it is and how it affects your daily life. In Fact Or Fiction find out what your brain uses when you think.


In The News

Scientists at Scripps Research Institute have discovered an important mechanism in the development of antibiotic resistant organisms, specifically Staphylococcus aureus. The bacteria accomplish this by switching on a previously uncharacterized set of genes, which explains why some bacteria have a higher rate of resistance than others.

Essentially it is protein secretion in the cells, which has important implications for all cells. As researchers delve further into this complication they may also be able to control the secretion of other proteins in human cells and thus change the course of diseases and illnesses.



Daily Health Tip

The rate of antibiotic resistant bacterial infections continues to grow each year. In many instances these infections are acquired in the hospital setting, which is why the hospital is good place for sick people but not a good place to recover.

Today, more than ever, it’s important to prevent infection. Following specific protocols for the prevention of the spread of infection can help reduce the number of colds and flu you acquire as well as the reduction of simple wound infections.


Making Changes

Although you may already practice some of these preventive methods, it’s important that you do them for the prescribed amount of time or with the right kind of over-the-counter medications.

1. If you have an open wound, from a cut, insect bites that have been scratched or other contact dermatitis that breaks the skin, it’s important to keep the area clean and dry. Use soap and water to cleanse the area and wash for the amount of time it takes to sing Happy Birthday twice. The area is cleaned with mechanical friction and the soap helps remove the bacteria.

2. You can reduce the amount of antibiotic resistant bacteria by NOT using antibacterial soaps.

3. Although bacteria can become resistant to man-made antibiotics, they have not built up immunity to more natural substances found on your grocery store shelf, such as coconut oil, honey and tea tree oil.

4. Wash your hands before and after eating, after touching household items previous touched by someone sick or a child, and after caring for someone who is sick. Wash your hands vigorously with soap and water for time it takes to sing “Happy Birthday” twice.

5. A sneeze is released from the body traveling at close to 200 miles per hour. This means that viruses in the droplets can be carried much further than you might think. If you are sick, sneeze and cough into your elbow. If you around someone who is sneezing and coughing be sure to clean your hands and face.



My Daily Affirmation

My partner is the ideal person for me

I communicate well with my partner. I provide valuable input into our conversations so we can resolve challenges together.


Fact Or Fiction?

Does your brain use electricity to think?

TRUE! Actually it burns through 20 watts of power each hour you’re engaged in serious thinking. That electrical power is generated from the food you eat. The more you think, the more calories you burn.



Have a wonderful day!

Your Healthy Life America Team



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